Our Story
In 2016, we led 11 high schoolers on a mission trip to Mustard Seed Communities in Kingston, Jamaica. We went there to serve and be a blessing for the most vulnerable. Turns out, they blessed us in ways we could have never imagined! As our mission program expanded, this remained a constant experience. Our friends at Mustard Seed, despite their many challenges, leave a joy that is contagious and transforming for our hearts. We stumbled into a gold mine, a truth as ancient and new as our Catholic Faith: the most vulnerable, those rejected by the world, are privileged channels of God's grace.
We felt compelled to find a way to bring the same transforming joy back home. From this desire, God provided inspiration for our outreach to those at Mustard Seed abroad, to our local high school and college students, and to those in need in our local community. Most recently, we have opened Brother Andre's Cafe, a coffee and gift shop that employs adults with IDD in our community. Your support enables us to continue our support of our youth and the vulnerable amongst us.
Brother Andres in the News
Ministries of Move a Mountain

“It's amazing to see, we go to serve and help out the residents, but the reality is they do much more for us because they have a joy that is contagious.”
— Dan Gallagher
Move a Mountain Missions Co-Founder
“These young men and women are so impacted by the experience, their Catholic faith so enriched, they return with a new, giving spirit. So we decided to do what we can so more students can have that experience.”
— Father Chris Donley
Move a Mountain Missions Co-Founder
“For the first time in 16 years, I began to feel like I was slowly reaching an inner peace - I put my faith in this peace and trusted that if the Lord could bring me such amazing change in just one day, that there was more to come in my remaining days at Mustard Seed in Jamaica.”
— Rachel P.
2018 Misson Teen
How You Can Help
Your support is important to our work at Move a Mountain Missions. When you contribute to Move A Mountain, you not only support the most vulnerable, you help us to Move Mountains!